First bank leverages Parkway’s InfoGrid®-Bank3D to provide Nigerian Aviation agencies (NCAA, FAAN, etc.) billing and collection services from airlines and other Aviation service providers
First Bank of Nigeria Limited (First Bank) is Nigeria’s largest financial services institution by total assets and gross earnings.
Capital Base
As of December 2014, the Bank had assets totaling approximately US$23.4 billion (NGN:4.336 trillion).The Bank’s profit before tax, for the twelve months ending 31 December 2014 was approximately US$486.5 million (NGN:90.1 billion).
Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Sierra-Leone, UK, France as well as representative offices in Johannesburg, Beijing and Abu-Dhabi.

Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Dangote, Promasidor, FBN life Assurance, Honeywell, NBC, WAEC.
Case Study – Aviation Collection on InfoGrid-Bank3D®
InfoGrid-Bank3D® is a robust, secure, service-oriented, multi-tenancy electronic banking framework on which various corporate & retail banking solutions are plugged. InfoGrid®-Bank3D delivers 3-Dimensional focus on the bank, the bank’s corporate & retail customers. It provides requisite security, abstraction and customization.
First bank leveraged Parkway’s InfoGrid-Bank3D Collections, as an advanced customization, to provide aviation agencies with a secure system to receive payments from airlines and other aviation agents. Payments can be received at any First bank branch, as well as through other channels such as web, POS, etc. using several payment instruments including; cash, cheque, direct debit, EFT, etc. while interacting with aviation agencies back end system in real-time via web services.